If we look at the 2012 Nirbhaya rape case, even today everyone's soul trembles. The brutality with which this rape was carried out was extremely horrific and dastardly. 9 years have passed since this incident, but even today, how many girls and women are victims of this cruelty every day. Many Nirbhayas face rape in their own homes and have been doing it for years.
After the Nirbhaya gang rape, people expected that there would be a big change in the circumstances, system and law and order and women would be safe. But did anything like this really happen? The answer is probably still missing somewhere.
What has changed in 9 years? Are women and girls safe on the roads and at home today? For this, a survey was done online, in this survey, maximum youth took part. The results of this survey are shocking. In fact, 12.2 percent of the people believe that girls are completely safe in the country. At the same time, 49.7 percent people believe that girls are not safe in the country. Apart from this, 38.1 percent people believe that women are safe to some extent.
Significantly, 54.7 percent of the youth in the age group of 15 to 28 years took part in this survey. 34.5 percent of those between 29 and 41 years of age and 10.9 percent of those above 42 years took part in it. The highest employed or business ie working in the survey, 58 percent participated. At the same time, 33 percent students and 9 percent domestic people participated. In this 81 percent males and 19 percent girls took part.
One thing has become clear in this survey that most of the people who keep a dirty eye on girls and women are their close ones, their close family members or family members. According to the survey, the number of identified and close people having bad eyesight towards women is about 67 percent. Of these, 49 per cent are identifiable and 18 per cent are very close to the household.
Changes were expected on every aspect after the Nirbhaya case. One of these was also how serious the police is about how the police behaves towards the victim as soon as the information is given to the police. In response to this question, 56.8 percent of the people believe that very little has changed. Whereas 38 percent of the people said that there has been some change. In addition, only 5.2 percent of the respondents said that the behavior of the police has changed drastically after the Nirbhaya incident