WhatsApp has announced that it will soon introduce three new security features for its users. Mark Zuckerberg has given this information through a Facebook post. Also, WhatsApp is posted on Twitter about new features. It has been announced that three new features will come. It says, 'Online status' can be hidden, and people cannot take screenshots for those viewing the status. A unique setting will be started for this.
WhatsApp is rolling out a new feature this month that will allow users to see who can see them online, meaning users can now set different locks.
WhatsApp has recently introduced the 'View Once Message' feature, through which a message can be read once and then disappears automatically. They cannot keep a digital record of the messages they send. But after receiving complaints about taking screenshots of such messages, whatsapp is now ready to bring a new feature to improve it.
WhatsApp is now working to block screenshots of View Once messages for added security. It said this feature is currently being tested and will be rolled out to users soon.
WhatsApp This month, they are rolling out another security feature. Those who want to leave a group can do so without anyone noticing. If you leave the group, no one will receive a notification.