Authorities in Shanghai are struggling to deal with the suspected wave of COVID infections at a large hospital for the elderly, a sign of how severe the outbreak is in China's biggest city Shanghai.
The authorities of Shanghai have not declared any new COVID deaths, but hospitals are flooded with new patients. BBC has spoken to the Donghai Elderly Care Hospital, and people have described the situation there. The situation is critical and desperate attempts have been made to help dozens of elderly patients; unfortunately, some patients have died.
A nurse told BBC that the first five cases in the city were discovered three weeks ago. Since then, there has been an outbreak of the pandemic, the city has been sealed off, and specialist teams from the municipal centre for the disease are trying to control the spread. The nurse also said that she had been working and sleeping at the hospital before being moved to a quarantine facility; her colleague has told her that the situation has gotten "worse and worse" with the new cases "every day".
The health system has to be overwhelmed with the rising cases. On Thursday, the health officials have offered a formal apology to the family of 62 years older adult who died after being refused further emergency treatment for an asthma attack. An ambulance medic who refused to offer help has been suspended.
The city is suffering from high cases, and people are trapped in their houses, which has increased the world's concerns.