As we all know, the use of emergency contraception pills reduces the chances of pregnancy after unprotected sex; hence, it becomes essential to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Still, because of the overturning of the Roe V. Wade judgment, many states have now banned abortions. Hence, the supply has been disrupted due to the rising demands for contraceptives.
Even the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have said that "using emergency contraception does not cause an abortion. Abortion ends an existing pregnancy while the emergency contraceptive will prevent a pregnancy from occurring, EC must be used soon after having unprotective intercourse, and then it will be effective. It doesn't work if the pregnancy has already occurred.
But even after this, some of the large drug store chains are now limiting the purchases of emergency contraception to three pills per customer. Alicja Wojczyk, the senior manager of external communications for Rite Aid, has said to CNN that, "due to the increased demand, at this time we are limiting the purchases of Plan B contraceptive to three per customer."
While Matt Blanchette, the senior manager of retail communications at CVS Pharmacy, told CNN in a mail, "Though CVS has "ample supply of Plan B and After A, which are the two types of emergency pills, the company has decided to limit the purchase to three per customer this to "ensure equitable and consistent supply to the store shelves."
Due to this judgment overturning, many women in America now fear unwanted pregnancies and complications, and many people are on the streets against this overturning. People have used many social media platforms to express their opinions and criticism against this overturning of the Roe Judgment.