Manchester City defender Benjamin Mendy, 27, who was at that point blamed for a progression of ex offenses, was accused last seven day stretch of a further count of assault, however this was liable to announcing limitations.
The limitations were lifted on Wednesday as Mendy showed up at Chester Crown Court for a meeting in front of his path one year from now.
The charge identifies with another grumbling and is asserted to have occurred in July this year. Mendy is presently blamed for eight offenses against five unique Women, including seven counts of assault identifying with four ladies.
Mendy's showing up close by his Co-litigant Louis SahaMatturie of Ecccles Greater Manchester, who is additionally blamed for genuine sex offenses against young ladies.
The France global, has been in authority since his capture on August 26. The two men were remanded into guardianship at HMP Altcourse, Liverpool following a 40-minute hearing where their path planned for January was returned to later in the year.