Monkey Pox Virus: Like many countries, the number of monkeypox patients is increasing in India. After Kerala, now patients are also being found in New Delhi. In India, one more patient has been reported in New Delhi.
After Kerala, monkeypox patients are now being found in the capital New Delhi. Another new case of monkeypox was detected in the capital on Wednesday. A 31-year-old Nigerien woman has tested positive for monkeypox. The number of monkeypox patients in New Delhi has reached 4.
Monkeypox patients have started to worry in the country. Delhi has the highest number of patients after Kerala. Concern has increased as more patients have increased in the capital Delhi. Information is coming out that a 31-year-old girl has been infected.
Four cases of monkeypox have been found in New Delhi. A total of 9 patients have been detected in the country. Five are from Kerala, and four are found in New Delhi. Three of the monkeypox cases detected in New Delhi were Nigerians. A 35-year-old man was also infected with monkeypox. However, he had not gone out of India.
The first female patient reported
So far, 9 cases of monkeypox have been detected in India. Among them, the newly found infected patient in New Delhi had blisters on her skin and fever as well. After that, she was admitted to LNJP hospital; her report has come positive. Although a woman infected with monkeypox was found in New Delhi, there is no information that she has left the country. It is reported that the monkeypox patient found in New Delhi has recovered.
She has been treated at Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Hospital in New Delhi. However, the central government has permitted three private hospitals. MD City Hospital in North Delhi, Kailash Deepak Hospital in East Delhi and Batra Hospital in South Delhi have been permitted to treat monkeypox patients. Isolation rooms have also been ordered to be set up in hospitals. 10 sheep have been kept in the isolation ward of LNJP Hospital in Delhi. 20 doctors have also been deployed.
A 22-year-old man from Kerala, who came from the United Arab Emirates, has died of monkeypox. The young man died on July 30. When the samples of that person were sent to the NIV in Pune, the child returned to India and died.