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UPSC Time Table for Preparation by Toppers

Writer: Abhishek SinghAbhishek Singh

Every UPSC aspirant needs a timetable for preparation, and the importance of one cannot be stressed. Naturally, the schedule should be flexible; rigidity may cause problems. To design a well-balanced timetable, some aspects should be taken into account. It should not be rigid, and it should allow for some flexibility in the instructors' and the Head's thoughts. This is crucial if we achieve the UPSC Preparation's aims and objectives and the vision we have in mind. Time Table for UPSC Preparation is a very crucial step for clearing UPSC.

The practical timetable for UPSC preparation should be established so that it may be sculpted according to our wants and requirements without disrupting other programs. A schedule is a necessary tool for efficiently finishing your education.

Are you creating and sticking to a timetable for UPSC Preparation?

Here are the few key points to keep in mind before creating time table for preparation:


First and foremost, you must be True to yourself. It isn't for the faint of heart to achieve the IAS dream. The path is thorny, and you must be prepared to burrow yourself to gain the rose in the end. If you're willing to put in the effort, develop a plan and stick to it until you've checked all the boxes. Prepare a simple daily schedule timetable for UPSC preparation and stick to it without fail.


It would help if you were dedicated entirely to your IAS preparation and followed the IAS timetable. Take it seriously and not as a "filler" course. If you're taking this preparation as a filler, you're wasting your time. Don't adopt the mindset of "I'll give it a shot and see what happens." You will not become an IAS official by chance. Only your hard work and dedication will make a difference.

Goal Setting

Having short and long-term goals will support you in achieving your IAS ambitions in various ways. Goals should be related to your IAS study schedule and the IAS timetable that you have made. IAS Timetable should be followed to achieve your goal.

Enjoy the Process

"I never worked a day," declared Thomas Edison, a great American inventor. It was all in good humor." This came from a man with 1093 US patents and 2332 international patents. Edison didn't feel like working because he seemed to enjoy what he was doing. It becomes more enjoyable and less work when you begin to enjoy something. Enjoy the process, even if you're preparing for the UPSC. Take pleasure in the process of learning. Take delight in your newfound knowledge. Stop treating studying as work.

Maintain Your Health

If you want to complete all of the tasks on your study timetable, you must maintain good physical and mental health. You should eat healthily, get enough rest, exercise regularly, and avoid stress. It is the first step toward any significant achievement if your health is good.

UPSC Preparation Timetable

Without a comprehensive UPSC strategy, plan, or timetable, there's a tiny chance of getting on the right UPSC preparation track. As a result, to pass all of the UPSC CSE stages, you'll need a solid UPSC Study Timetable. The time and effort invested in preparing for the IAS will yield life-changing rewards. Without preparing the IAS timetable, you will face difficulty managing time and efforts.

Every aspirant is unique, and each faces challenges during their training. You will not be able to pass the UPSC exam unless you commit enough time to revision and practice, regardless of your circumstances. This demands a rigorous and focused UPSC test preparation strategy.\

How to make the UPSC Study Timetable?

Aspirants might examine the following sample timetable while putting together their study timetable.

Time slot

To-Do List

5:30 A.M.

Wake up

5:30 - 6:00 A.M.

Tea/ juice/ Coffee/ Morning Yoga or Exercise

6:00 - 8:00 A.M.

Read Newspaper/ Solve Daily Affair Questions

8:00 - 9:00 A.M.

Breakfast/ Bath

9:00 - 11:30 A.M.

Study Slot 1

11:30 - 12:00 P.M.


12:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M.

Study Slot 2

2:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M.


3:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.

Study Slot 3

6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.

Study Slot 4

8:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.

Rest / Watch News / Dinner

9:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.

Revision / Map Study

10:00 P.M. - 10:30 P.M.

Meditation or Relax your Mind

10:30 P.M.

Go To Bed

This Is a sample IAS timetable. You can refer while making yours And positively follow that timetable.

Do's and Don't For UPSC preparation Timetable


  1. It takes 1.5 years or more for applicants to prepare adequately and cover the whole course.

  2. To make a UPSC study program, you must first assess your ability and capacity to devote time to achieving your objectives.

  3. Students can devise their own UPSC preparation program and stick to it for as long as convenient and practical.

  4. Setting a UPSC study Timetable is useless if you don't follow it.

Following are some tips for sticking to an IAS schedule:

  • Perseverance is a crucial aspect of UPSC preparation since it allows candidates to push themselves every day to overcome obstacles.

  • Avoid stress and have fun while studying for the UPSC. Aspirants should have a stress-free attitude to maximize retention and efficiently prepare for tests.

  • Make the most of your weekends by working on practice papers. It would help if you spent your weekends reviewing all the topics you covered throughout the week.

  • Sticking to a strict Timetable regularly requires discipline.

  • To avoid late or unfinished work, procrastination should be avoided.

  • You must be able to focus on avoiding distractions and completing your work at a proper speed without interruption.

Time table for UPSC Preparation requires a lot of patience and hard work, and following that timetable is yet another difficult task. So, follow these rules and be calm while preparing for UPSC. Don't stress a lot and keep yourself healthy. Just focus on your dream and be happy.


  1. Without initially reading all of the NCERT books, the aspirant should not attempt to construct a timeline.

  2. If a candidate does not provide enough time for breaks and naps, they would feel bored, agitated, and convinced that UPSC is not for them. UPSC hopefuls commit the first and most crucial mistake in their drive to become an ideal civil servants.

  3. When aspirants create a rigid and impracticable timetable, they have little opportunity to unwind or decompress. This exhausts the aspirant to the point that they get too lazy to stick to the timetable and begins to blame their lack of preparation on other issues.

  4. If an applicant is uninformed of the deadlines that must be met, they will be unable to finish the entire curriculum, resulting in insufficient UPSC preparation.

Timetables for UPSC preparation require a lot of patience so that when a person starts following that timetable, they should not get bored or feel like dropping the UPSC exam. So, during the IAS timetable, an aspirant must consider all the does and don'ts to clear the exam with a high rank. A person should not burden themselves with a lot of pressure or any other emergencies. They should follow the timetable, do all the tasks, and keep themselves happy.

Benefits of Preparing UPSC Study Timetable

  1. Having a Proper timetable gives you a feeling of direction, which is especially helpful when you're overwhelmed by the number of books and study materials available.

  2. It enables you to complete the UPSC syllabus in the time allotted. When you plan out your work schedule ahead of time, you'll know how much time you have and how to divide your studies correctly. You may spread out your IAS preparations and avoid getting stressed out as the exam date approaches.

  3. You can take a tailored approach to different courses based on your strengths and limitations by creating a personalized UPSC study timetable.

  4. When you study according to a study schedule, you will be able to retain more material because you will not be studying at random, and your brain will be more concentrated.\

  5. When you study regularly, you will find more free time. You may ensure that you do not stretch your breaks and naps because you have set up a specific period for your studies and breaks. Everything will have a time and place, leading you to your IAS objective.

  6. IAS Timetable is regularly maintained and followed. A study schedule also ensures that you complete your periodic examinations on time. You'll be able to see where you stand in terms of IAS preparation this way.


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